ART History 1 : PRehIstoric ART

In the history of art, prehistoric is the first art that were been produced. As we know during in the prehistoric age there have splits into 4 periods which is Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze age. Each of these periods have its own types of art. When the age is changes, the art also getting changes. Which is we can say that by period to period, art have a revolutions. We know that during the prehistoric age the human that existed during that age was quite zero knowledge but in the same time they were invented "ART". It is proof that the art that were created was came from what they were visualized and recorded based on what they saw. So, first we are going to discover about the first period that was creating an art which during Paleolithic period.


During this period it extends from the earliest known use of stone tools, yeah as we know during that period the only thing that they could applied from surrounding was only stones. Stones was the most important thing it used for hunting, build a shelter and also creating an art.  During Paleolithic also is the earliest human artifacts showing evidence of workmanship with an artistic purpose are the subject of some debate. It is clear that such workmanship existed by 30,000 years ago. As we know human that existed during Paleolithic period that they were living in nomad . Because each of the caves they were living in have proof which is through art. For example :-

-ALTAMIRA, Spain — The cave of Altamira in northern Spain contains some of the world’s finest examples of Paleolithic art.
Standing Bison" Altamira, Spain Section measures 48 by 56 inchesThe bison, horses, wild boar and deer that were discovered at Altamira in 1879 are not found on the cave wall, but on the ceiling.

I really adore which bison so i chose this art as my research. So this art were discovered by an archeologist at Spain. This proof human that living in that day already know how to recorded things based on what they were observed. By my examination they used clay as their tools to draw and cave as their place to record.

The bison, horses, wild boar and deer that were discovered at Altamira, in 1879, are not found on the cave’s walls, but on the ceiling.  Most of the massive animals had been cleverly painted upon and over the large natural bulges of rock that stuck out from the ceiling.  The bulges and crevices of the natural rock provided the bison with a realistic three-dimensional appearance.  When viewed with a flickering lamp flame, the shadows cast by the outcrops of rock animate the paintings, and help the bison appear to move. This is show how creative the people back then
The bison seen in this print covers a natural rock bulge, and like the others, has been created in an interesting and complex technique.  The horns of the bison are not painted, but deeply carved into the rock (petroglyph).  Some parts of the painting have even been artistically scraped, to create the artistic effects of highlight and shadow.
Recent scientific study shows that the breath of visitors causes the pigments (paint colors) to fade and in some cases completely disappear.  This famous cave is now closed to the public.


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